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About Alberta SouthWest

Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance Ltd. (AlbertaSW) is a Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA) of 15 communities working together to help each other succeed. The Corporation is governed by Board of elected representatives from each member community.

The strength of our organization lies in the commitment and energy of each individual, business and community that contributes to it. AlbertaSW communities are energetically cooperative, and share a collaborative long-term strategy to grow and promote the region.

Meet Our Partner Communities

Whether you're interested to visiting one of our partner communities, moving here or finding investment information that will help you grow your business, you'll find it in our community profiles. Click on the community image and you'll be taken to a profile that shares important community links, fun facts and a Invest Alberta downloadable PDF for each area that can help you connect with our vibrant economies.

Get to Know Us

Projects & Recognition

Explore Alberta South West's initiatives, projects, and recognition.

Getting Here

Whether you're flying or driving, this is how to get to Alberta SouthWest.

What is a REDA?

AlbertaSouthWest is one of 9 Regional Economic Development Alliances (REDAs) in Alberta, creating a “network of networks."


Aligned with regional offices of Alberta Jobs, Economy and Innovation, the regions are an efficient and effective mechanism to support municipal collaboration as well as cross-ministry information-sharing and implementation of provincial programs.


✰ 2004 Premier’s Award of Excellence 

Success for one is success for all.


Who We Are

Board of Directors

Mission, Vision and Mandate


Affiliations and Awards



Privacy Policy


© 2024 Alberta Southwest Regional Alliance

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